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SCTE NEW England
Tech Session/Member Appreciation
2024 SCTE New England Tech Session Member Appreciation Sign-up

Member Appreciation
There will be donuts and coffee in the morning​
Pizza and Drinks for lunch.
In the Clearfield tech session, they will cover Fiber 101. Where Clearfield will have a hands on session with two (2) different types of connectors, putting together mechanical splice connectors vs assembly of the Clearfield Push-able fiber assembly.
They will also have an emphasis on fiber management and inspecting and cleaning!!
Throughout the session we will play a game of learning and also provide each winner with a gift!
Clearfield said they have great news as they will have their Product Trailer for our session!! We will take a tour of the trailer to talk about products of the network, discuss proper fiber management and provide the techs with managing jumpers on a frame as well as running splitter legs in a FDH (Fiber Distribution Hub).